to the god poseidon - a new apology in ancient form

the beaches you crash down on have worn thin
          no longer feared, no longer called out when we pray,
     yet still the waves go out, and out, and in

                      we've built up homes where once your sands had been,
                                                            and in your temples now we shout and play:
                                    the beaches you crash down on have worn thin

               i see the foaming at your mouth and down your chin,
                                     but sun-baked bodies on the sands don't go away;
          yet still the waves go out, and out, and in

                                and every season when you blast away our sticks with your chagrin,
                                                     you claim the shore as yours for one more day. but still we stay.
                         the beaches you crash down on have worn thin

                the mass extinctions, rebirths, deaths, you've seen them all begin
    you'll witness too, the end of us in flash of gray
                                yet still the waves go out, and out, and in

                all but forgotten now, eternity will see you win
                                               the summer games will end, and though today
                 the beaches you crash down on have worn thin
yet still the waves go out, and out, and in
