Timothy Brown


Next Episode of My Mind…My thoughts keep bouncing.

My thoughts keep bouncing, bouncing off walls…like sponge balls.
My thoughts keep bouncing, bouncing off walls… like sponge balls.

With my eyes closed,
Visions unfold,
With images I see to be insightful.
Like what’s all the insanity,
With man’s Christianity,
King James can keep his damn bible.
Because I heard with Allah,
We could probably go far,
Cause at least we would know where we stand.
We would no longer be fellas,
We could tell all the cave dwellers,
That I am the original man.

My thoughts keep bouncing, bouncing off walls…like sponge balls.

Because you see I created civilizations,
You brought devastation,
Guns, drugs, crime and adultery.
And you know it’s the truth,
That’s why you hate the youth,
Because they won’t submit so easily.
You tried to kill us with your drug crack,
Made us all perpetrators of the carjack,
Is this fact or is it fiction? All our great leaders turned up missing.

My thoughts keep bouncing, bouncing off walls…like sponge balls.

CIA, FBI and the police,
The 3 greatest destroyers of the peace.
County, state and youth facilities,
Filled to capacity,
With bodies Hispanic and African.
Leaving all Black women,
And all Black children,
Wondering where are all the Black men.
Media images,
On paper and screen,
Seem to destroy us further.
When was the last time,
We made the headlines,
And wasn’t on front page for murder.

My thoughts keep bouncing, bouncing off walls…like sponge balls.

I could tell stories from the block,
About crooked ass cops,
Cause we know their nothing but a legal group of gangsters.
And if I envisioned back maybe,
To the early days of slavery,
To serve and protect, officer, overseer, was usually the one that hung us.
Cause if we leave it to them,
Our existence seems grim,
By their past record we know that their liars.
Just ask Rodney King,
He took a good beating,
And they shot a whole lot of kids, before that young guy Myers.
The whole subject of police violence,
They keep that all in silence,
Cause its part of their fraternal shield.
But maybe you should save that for the C.R.A.C.K.E.R.’s,
Who chuckle and die with laughter,
But us Black folks know the real deal.
And the stories all the same,
But who’s to blame,
For the failing situation our society is in.
If I actually took the time,
To put all these visions in rhyme,
This P.O.E.M. would never end.

My thoughts keep bouncing, bouncing, bouncing, and bouncing…they stop.

“Use of the word N.I.G.G.A stands for Never Ignorant Getting Goals Accomplished
Use of the word C.R.A.C.K.E.R stands for Cops Really Are Crazy Killing Everyone Realistically.” peace y’all
